Teens Speak

Teens Speak

Teens Speak was a Coalition event featuring members of the YAC.  Topics such as drugs and alcohol, peer and romantic relationships, technology, online image and body image were discussed.

Teens Speak:  "Expanding our view of what success means today"
with an introduction by Dr. Steve Treat of the Council for Relationships

The teens spoke about the following topics:

• Drugs and Alcohol •
• Peer and Romantic Relationships • 
• Technology, On-line Image and Body Image •

Teens Speak was presented by the Youth Advisory Council for the Coalition for Youth of Lower Merion and Narberth.  The YAC is made up of students from the following schools:  Baldwin, Agnes Irwin, Haverford, Barrack Academy, Friends' Central, Lower Merion High School, Harriton High School and Shipley.

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